Wednesday, June 3, 2009


If YOU were not there, there would be no rhythm
If YOU were not there, there would be no expression
If YOU were not there, there would be no melody
If YOU were not there, there would be no pulse
If YOU were not there, there would be no throb
If YOU were not there, there would be no life

Because YOU are there, I concentrate
Because YOU are there, I dance
Because YOU are there, I simmer down
Because YOU are there, I verbalize

YOU dissolve language barriers
YOU disclose innumerable feelings
YOU exhibit creativity
YOU motivate
YOU elucidate
YOU are Music...Music of life!


AVP said...

YOU is abba! :)

The rest of it still holds good. ;)

Meens said...

Like I said, dropped in y'day and browsed through some of your posts. Nice blog and interesting template and post layout :)

And 'YOU'z the Heart, zintit?

Sakina Adeeb said...

@ meenakshi - I share the same feeling :) Lovely blog. Like your writing style :) and hey..YOU is music :)

Meens said...

@sakina: Thanks! Mm yeah! I found the second stanza not fitting in with heart. Should have given more thought to it! Now it makes perfect sense. You've given it yourself at the end, but I thought you were throwing a puzzle :)